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How God’s Love Inspires Us to Love Others in 2024 ?

God’s Love Inspires Us to Love Others

God’s Love Inspires Us to Love Others

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The Most Holy Trinity is the reality about God’s own nature that has been revealed to us through Jesus and the teaching of the Apostles. It is not something that could be known by simple reason or logic. All attempts at explanation fall short in the face of this great mystery. Yet, there are some things we can say and should say. First, God’s own inner relationship is a dynamic of love. Secondly, God calls us to imitate this inner dynamic by loving God and one another, as well as ourselves. Third, God is a communion who calls us to be in communion. Finally, through grace given to us in Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at baptism God enables this communion for us – a communion we could not achieve on our own. Let us thank St. Augustine for the above! Note, however, that this is not intended to be a closed communion! As St. Matthew reminds us in today’s gospel proclamation, we are to go out with Jesus’ own power bringing the grace of baptism to all the nations! It’s the same message the apostles received at Pentecost! Get up, get out, and get moving! A church that becomes stationary becomes stagnant. That’s why we must always be inviting others into this communion of God’s great love.

Before the use of the term, Ordinary Time, meaning no particular season like Christmas or Easter, the Church used to refer to the Sundays after Epiphany, which showed how Christ is the light of the world, and the Sundays after Pentecost, which showed how the Spirit enabled Church was to live the mystery of Christ until He comes again. The Lectionary still functions in this way, though the Sundays and weekdays are referred to as weeks in Ordinary Time. The point is that the message of Pentecost remains! It is a beginning and not an end! Summer is not meant to be time off for the Church, but a “time in” mission! This is a time to engage our people and to call them to even greater participation! Use your GC Smart Tools not just for electronic giving, but in their robust power to engage your parishioners to deeper and stronger participation in our common mission!

Pastoral Action Points

  1. Do your staff members and leadership team know how to use all the power of your GC Smart Tools to engage your community? If not, this summer is a great time for them (and you) to learn. Check out our training sessions online and sign up for our webinars here You can also email us or call us with your specific questions and needs at
  2. You have students graduating from your parish schools, public schools, high schools, and colleges this month. Use your GC SmartText at the end of the homily or the end of mass and ask the students to give you their email addresses. That way you can keep up with them as they move to their next steps in life.
  3. Give Central helps you raise funds, that’s true. However, GiveCentral does so much more to help you engage with your community and increase participation levels! GC isn’t just about the money, it’s about your mission and your community! Be sure you are taking full advantage of what GiveCentral can do for you!
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