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Announcing new parish training for holiday fundraising success

parish fundraising training
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Did you know some parishes now receive up to 60 percent of donations online?

Research shows that churches lag behind in offering online giving as an option, so we’re inviting leaders in Catholic stewardship to learn how. We know your focus is to fulfill your parish’s mission and we think GiveCentral can help by making fundraising easier and more productive. Our upcoming Christmas Giving Series helps parishes learn how to increase donations with the use of GiveCentral.

How do we help? Let me share an example:

This past April, GiveCentral helped numerous parishes dramatically increase Sunday giving, generating over $100,000 in additional donations – and all it took was a little training from us. GiveCentral guided the participating parishes every step of the way, from initial training to identifying and reaching out to donors who had not previously given during the Easter season.By sending just a single email, this small select group of participating parishes saw an increase of 323 percent in online Easter donations.

Because of this success, we have decided to expand our training program. We have extended an invitation to select parishes to participate in our upcoming 2015 Christmas Giving training series. Check your inbox (or your mailbox) for your invitation!We can support up to 100 parishes in this training class, coming together remotely via webinars, conference calls and email. Through this pilot program, the participating parishes will be trained on how to dramatically increase Christmas donations by:

Our next class will start in just a few weeks. We can only accommodate 100 parishes in our kickoff training, which begins on September 17th.

Are you interested in joining an online training series like this one?

GiveCentral exists to help parishes like yours fulfill their missions and we would be honored to help you increase your Christmas donations this season. 



Enhance Christmas fundraising with GiveCentral Events.

Five, last-minute Christmas fundraising ideas.

Last-minute Christmas fundraising tips.

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