Breaking Self-Exile: Returning to Community and Christ’s Love
Pastoral Reflection A Message of Hope: Healing, Restoration, and Renewal In today’s first reading from the Book of Leviticus, we see a...
Restoring Light: How the Church Can Lift the Burdened
Pastoral Reflection In the 1st reading for today we see that poor Job, who has suffered so many problems and deprivations, is tempted to...
Welcoming All with Grace: A Call to Compassionate Ministry
Pastoral Reflection Notice that when Jesus encounters the man with the unclean spirit, he does not condemn the man so afflicted. Rather, he...
Journeying Through Lent: Aligning Our Hearts with Christ
Pastoral Reflection Sts. Matthew and Luke offer more details about Jesus’ time in the desert, but St. Mark highlights that this moment...
God’s Simple Messengers: The Shepherds’ Lesson for Our Parish Community
Pastoral Reflection (based on the reading for mass at dawn) The shepherds mentioned in St. Luke’s Gospel were simple, humble people who...
Answering the Call: The Urgency of Discipleship in St. Mark’s Gospel
Call to action: When our parishioners, old or new, show an interest in engagement with the parish community we should act on it as quickly...
Guided by the Light: Preparing Our Hearts for the Journey of FaithPastoral Reflection
These few short weeks after the Epiphany and before Lent are a time of recognizing Christ as the light of the world. The light not only...
Advent Reflections: Inviting Christ into Our Lives Today and Beyond
Preparing for the Coming of Christ: Advent’s Full Meaning and Parish Engagement As Advent approaches, we must remember its full...
Rediscovering the True Meaning of Advent: Welcoming Christ in Every Moment
John the Baptist is in the desert, near to Jerusalem, proclaiming a baptism of forgiveness and announcing the coming of the Lord with great...
A Call to Hope and Connection
This Sunday marks the beginning of the new liturgical year (Happy New Year) and the start of Year “B” in the Sunday Lectionary cycle....