Category: Case Studies

1 214 / 14 POSTS
Throwback Thursday: Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge?

Throwback Thursday: Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge?

Do you remember the phenomenally successful campaign, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from four years ago?  The viral, crowd sourced fundraising campaig ...
Holiday email adds a big boost to year-round growth

Holiday email adds a big boost to year-round growth

The GiveCentral team's goal is to help all of our client organizations to raise more, and we see a tremendous opportunity to improve donor retention ...
Great things are happening! The value of a hands-on approach

Great things are happening! The value of a hands-on approach

I get a great deal of pleasure and fulfillment sharing the success stories of our clients, and I've started to document some of the more notable succe ...
Nonprofit Communication As A Key To Success : A Case Study

Nonprofit Communication As A Key To Success : A Case Study

Developing a successful nonprofit communication strategy takes some work. But when it improves your ability to inform, invite and involve those you a ...
1 214 / 14 POSTS