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Author: Suraj

Pastoral Notes Views: 4

Putting Others First: The Call to a Christ-Centered Community

Today St. Paul reminds us to humbly regard others as more important than ourselves. By this he does not mean that we should regard...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 1

Breaking Down Barriers: Fostering Unity Between New and Old Parish Members

Recall that the Church already existed when the gospels, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, were written down. Thus, the parable of...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

The Power of Mercy: Overcoming Anger and Embracing Forgiveness

Anger, in its proper use, is meant to protect us or someone who is dear to us. But so often anger builds a home in the heart and begins to...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

Speaking Truth in Love: The Church’s Role in Guiding Hearts

The Church has a prophetic mission to tell the truth to the world. This mission is not an easy one because it means pointing out the faults...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 1

The Spiritual Hunger of Our Time: Finding Fulfillment in Christ’s Embrace

Both our first reading from the Prophet Jeremiah, and the Responsorial Psalm text from Psalm 63 speak in visceral terms, terms felt at the...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

Who Do You Say I Am? Understanding Jesus in Today’s World

Jesus asks this question of his apostles in today’s reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel. If the question was relevant in Jesus’ own...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

Breaking Barriers: God’s Invitation to All Peoples

God’s intent, throughout the sacred story of the scriptures, was that the One True God should be known to all the nations of the earth!...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

Listening for the Divine: The Peace of Christ in the Stillness

In our search for faith, we often enough look for God in grand and large things. We look for signs “of biblical proportions,” like...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

The Power of Silence: How Lent Helps Us Hear God’s Voice

Pastoral Reflection There is an irony in the juxtaposition of the first reading and the gospel. Abraham, who thinks he must “give up”...

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Pastoral Notes Views: 0

Finding God in Every Transition: Lessons from the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord

Pastoral Reflection The Epiphany of the Lord, and tomorrow’s feast of the Baptism of the Lord bring to a conclusion our Christmas...

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